How to Prepare For a Roof Replacement

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How to Prepare For a Roof Replacement

Getting a brand-new roof can be an exciting experience because it will change the entire appearance of your home. However, during the replacement process, kids and pets may watch in awe as they observe roofers ripping, tearing, hauling and nailing, they may likewise move closer so as to have a closer look at the actions. That is extremely dangerous because once the roofing company arrive, your house is a work zone and can pose unexpected hazards.

The use of long roofing sheet makes roof replacement stress-free and seamless. However, there are some safety precaution as well as preparations you need to make so as to ensure 100% readiness. Below are some essential tips which will help you in achieving a smooth roof replacement project.

Think about Kids and pets: Loud noise which come during the roof replacement process may enhance anxiety, while it may be exciting to watch the replacement from a safe distance, work zones are not safe for children as well as pets.

Inform your kids about the replacement since young children as well as pets may not understand these dangers, you may be comfortable visiting your family or friends while your roof is being replaced.

Relocate your vehicles: It is essential to relocate your vehicle when preparing for roof replacement, this is because contractors need quick access to their tools and trucks throughout the day. They likewise need a place to load shingles and debris. Thus, keeping your vehicle safe by taking it off the premises is the best approach. It is also crucial to keep your garage doors closed during the construction process so as to keep dust and debris out.

Remove wall decorations: The vibration generated from hammers and machinery on your roof may travel via some walls of your home, especially if the repair to the existing deck are needed.

  • Walk through every room in the building
  • Consider any picture, frames or other items hanging from your walls or ceiling
  • Remove wall decorations which are not secured permanently with screw

You can also remove decorations which are lightly fixed such as chandeliers to as to ensure safety.

Cover your belonging in the attic: During a roof replacement project, numerous installers will be walking on your roof while pounding it with hammers. As a result of this, dust as well as small debris will fall in attic spaces during a new roof installation. You can ensure the safety of personal items by covering them with the aid of old sheet or drop cloths until the roofing company is finished. You should also prepare to do some vacuuming in these areas after the construction process.

Move furniture away from the work zone: During the roof replacement project, the best place to store outside items such as patio, grills, furniture, lawn ornaments as well as potted plants is a shed or garage. However, if you don’t have on-site storage you can put these items together in an area of the yard which is far from the work area.

Prune trees and cut grass before the roof replacement: Before your contractor commence work, any tree branches which hand low near the roof should be trimmed. Drop cloths should be used to protect grass and plants in the immediate perimeter of your home, but you need to cut grass a day before the construction begins. Short grass will aid easy cleaning after the roof replacement project.

Remove antennas or satellite dishes: If you have any antennas or satellite dishes located or very near your roof, it is better to remove them. To do this, you should call a cable or satellite provider to make the arrangement before the roof work commence. However, if it is no longer working, the roofing contractor can help in removing and disposing it appropriately.

Talk to your neighbors: It is essential to inform your neighbor about the planned work, give then an anticipated time-frame for the duration. This will give them an opportunity to adjust their schedule as well as situations so as to be comfortable with the replacement project.

Be aware of your surrounding during the project: Roof replacement can create unexpected obstacles. Extension cords or other construction equipment can easily hurt you during the project, this is why you need to be extra careful so as to prevent various forms of injuries.

Finally, the best thing is to have a thorough communication with your roofing company throughout the roof installation process. You can also ask if they have any other suggestion to make so as to ensure a smooth roof replacement project.




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